Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Tugas Bahasa Inggris II


Trouble In The Middle Of In Capital City

Indonesia is richest country who have many different culture, people, race and language. Indonesia have a huge problem because indonesia have a many citizenship and its make a traffic jam. Traffic jam is the big problem who can’t solved by government. Traffic jam can wasting our time and makeour activity inhibited. In this essay I want explaining caused and effect of traffic jam and I want to give suggestion to solved this problem.
The worst traffic jamin Indonesia occurs at Jakarta because Jakarta have a high activity and as the central city in Indonesia. Caused of traffic jam is many public and we can called as angkot or public transportation. They are always stop in every place to pick up the passangers. They have no rule in the way abd the police doesn’t gave a hard punishment so they always make the same mistake. The other caused of traffic jam is many ways or high ways is broken or totally worst and it can makethe transportation is slowly. Effect of traffic jam are it can waste our tim so we come to late to school or offices. Because if traffic jam also disturb our acrivity. We can’t maximum to work or it learn because I had a got tired in the way, and it can effect of result of something we want to do.I want to give a suggestion to solved to decrease public transportation is uneffective. The local goverment have to give hard punishment for the driver who doesn’t obey the rule. The other way to decrease of traffic jam isincrease and make abetter public transportation like train or trans Jakarta. If the train or trans Jakarta have a good schedule people might br choose to used a public transportation than personal car. All of these can decrease traffic jam in Jakarta and every people can give maximum result and benefits to our country

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